Thursday, June 16, 2016

Pics as Promised!

Opening up of the Dining Room into Kitchen

Back of the now exposed "Underground Railroad" Chimney

Rustic Room Floor Removed in Preparation for Dropping it Down

Treasure found Underneath the Floorboards!

Back Staircase is Gone...

Joel and Steve and the guys are working at breakneck speed on the demolition.  We are starting at the back of the house and moving forward and eventually up.  At the same time the outside is going to be wrapped.  The siding is on order as are the windows and doors.  Crazy!!

While all this construction is going on I plan on doing some research on the history of the house.  We know that the original owners back in the 1800's were the Wardwell family, so I was quite excited to come into possession of that little scrap of wood with their name on it.  Folklore has it that our house was one of many on the underground railroad trail north.  The hidey hole space behind the massive fireplace in the dining room would seem to lend credence to this claim.  There is so much to learn....

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