Tuesday, September 4, 2018

2 New Fences and 1 New Light!

As summer draws to a close, Joel and I are putting some finishes touches to our outdoor space as well as completing some dangling tasks inside.  We have had multiple discussions on what sort of a fence we wished to define our 2 side yards.  Ultimately we chose bamboo!  16 big bags of this lovely fencing were delivered to our garage last week and over the weekend we got it all in place.  The east side is 6 feet tall and the western edge is 3 foot.  Both provide just that right amount of visual obstruction so that our dogs don't bark at every little thing that happens in our neighbors yards.  We planted some small cypress trees in front of the taller fence which will grow over time and give us a nice green backdrop.

It always strikes me as funny that something I get so stuck on early on in a project takes a backseat until the end; and that it is okay with me!  I purchased our Meyda chandelier for over the dining room table well over a year and a half ago and it sat in it's box in a closet until last week when, on a rainy day, Joel and I finally dug it out and put it up.  I love it.  It fits in the room just as I had hoped and completes the look and feel that I was aiming for.  All that stressing about possibly needing to move the electrical box was for naught:)

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